How to enrol at Arndell School
There are two forms of enrolment at Arndell School:
1. Access Request
This enrolment type is for those children who are enrolled in a NSW public school and whose principal has identified that there is a need for referral to a specialised setting. Principals in NSW Public Schools can submit an Access Request for enrolment in a specialised setting. This request is evaluated by a Learning and Wellbeing panel who determine the appropriateness and availability of placement at Arndell School. If the panel determines that Arndell is a suitable setting then a place will be offered to the parents/carers/guardians of the child. Once the placement has been accepted by the family, an enrolment meeting is scheduled and the placement at Arndell commences.
Once enrolled, students attend Arndell School for 4 days per week (Tuesday -Friday) for up to 40 weeks, and continue to attend their home (census) school each Monday. Review meetings are held every 10 weeks with the family, both schools and any relevant allied health services involved in the child's ongoing care. Toward the end of the program, attendance at their home school is gradually increased as the student starts to transition back to a full time enrolment at their home school. Arndell staff have expertise in behaviour management and will work closely with the teachers and support staff at the home school developing supportive strategies to ensure a successful transition.
The home school remains the same for the child. The enrolment is effectively shared between Arndell and the child's mainstream school.
2. Clinical School Program
The Clinical School Program is offered in partnership with Arndell School by Coral Tree Family Service. They are a NSW state-wide tertiary referral service that aims to assist the families of children showing mental health, behavioural, emotional and relationship difficulties. Children attend the co-located school for up to four terms while engaging therapeutically with Coral Tree. This program is available to families who reside within a manageable commuting distance. In the first instance a residential admissions program is undertaken which involves a four night stay for the whole family. Whilst on site the children attend the Coral Reef class at Arndell which is created specifically for the children of the residential program.
Applications for this program are made directly to the Coral Tree Family Service by the child's mental health provider. This is also the only referral option for children in attendance at Independant or Catholic schools. For further information on the referral process please refer to the documentation and their website in the links below or ring Coral Tree directly on: 9887 5830
Coral Tree Website
Child Youth Mental Health Services
Moving overseas
Moving overseas and need school reports authenticated for DFAT?
Email document.authentication@det.nsw.edu.au to arrange to bring original documents to 105 Phillip Street, Parramatta 2150.